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Chemical Check Safety at work

Safety at work

Obligation of the entrepreneur

The aim of safety at work is to avert dangers and thus protect the life and health of employees. To achieve this goal, technical, organizational and personal protective measures have been laid down in numerous regulations.

The obligation to implement these regulations in the area of safety at work is directed at the employer. The employer is obliged to organise the operating procedures in compliance with the regulations relevant to the company.

Chemical Check GmbH will be pleased to help you in fulfilling this important task.


In accordance with §12 of the Betriebssicherheitsverordnung (BetrSichV), the employer must provide employees with job-related training before they start using work equipment:

  • existing hazards when using work equipment including the associated hazards from the working environment,
  • necessary protective measures and codes of conduct and
  • measures to be taken in the event of breakdowns, accidents and first aid in emergencies

Thereafter, he must carry out further instruction at regular intervals, but at least once a year. The date of each instruction and the names of the instructed persons must be recorded in writing.

The specialists at Chemical Check GmbH will be pleased to support you in implementing these management tasks.

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