Operations representatives
External specialists for more extensive areas of lawThe environmental laws require the appointment of company officers who advise the company on questions of operational environmental protection.
The specialists at Chemical Check GmbH will advise you on all questions of environmental protection.
Waste Management Officer
The Waste Management Officer Ordinance - AbfBeauftrV stipulates that operators of plants requiring a permit in accordance with the Federal Immission Control Act - BimSchG must appoint a waste management officer if certain quantity thresholds of hazardous or non-hazardous waste are exceeded, as well as operators of disposal plants and take-back systems.
Immission Protection Officer
The Federal Immission Control Act - BimSchG stipulates that operators of plants requiring a permit must appoint an immission control officer, e.g. in the event of technical problems of emission control or foreseeable environmental effects. The Ordinance on Immission Control and Major Accidents Officers (5th BImSchV) regulates concrete requirements as to when an Immission Control Officer is to be appointed.
Water pollution control officer
The legal basis is the Water Resources Act (WHG). Water users who are allowed to discharge more than 750 cubic metres of wastewater per day must appoint one or more company officers for water protection (water protection officers). If the Federal Immission Control Act already requires the appointment of an Immission Control Officer or the Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act already requires the appointment of a Waste Management Officer, the latter may also perform the tasks and duties of a Water Protection Officer under the WHG.