This is how you can contact us:

Phone: +49 (0) 52 33 / 94 17 - 0
Email: info(at)chemical-check.de

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Chemical Check

Chemical Check

We give you security

Caution! Please note our annual closing dates!

The Chemical Check is on holidays from 20.12.2024 and will be back on 08.01.2025.

To maintain the highest possible standard of security, we upgrade our systems regularly. Since these upgrades are not possible during operation, we carry them out during the company holidays. Everything to protect your and our data and systems!
A minimal downtime might occur during this time.The following systems can be affected: Online services such as Sichdat Online, order portal or data acquisition portal as well as FTP access, databases. If necessary, please make preparations in this regard and please pass this information on to your colleagues. 

If you have any questions about this, feel free to contact us.
Thank you for your understanding.

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Note: Detailed information on handling user data can be found in our privacy policy.

Please note that the fields marked with * are mandatory!

support IconAddress

Chemical Check GmbH
Chemical Check Platz 1-7
32839 Steinheim

Phone +49 (0) 52 33 / 94 17 - 0

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Would you like us to call you back? Just fill out our callback form.

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The topics of Chemical Check

gefahrstoffrecht Icon

Hazardous substances

We prepare your safety data sheets and notify  your products EU-wide. Our 24h emergency number and tailor-made IT system solutions give you security.

gefahrgut Icon

Dangerous goods

We prepare your transport documents, IMO declarations, support you in the transport of lithium-ion batteries or take on the role of the external dangerous goods officer.

seminare Icon


Learn from our professionals and obtain the expertise for the preparation of safety data sheets, the expertise according to ChemVerbotsV or get trained as a fire safety assistant.

arbeitssicherheit Icon

Safety at work

Our safety at work specialists support you in all areas of occupational safety in the handling and storage of your chemical products.

labor Icon


Through our network of laboratories we can provide you with competent test laboratories, e.g. for physical-chemical analyses such as flash point, corrosion or in vitro tests of the irritating/corrosive effect.
